Monday, 29 July 2013

Make me a Muslim


“Islam began as something strange and will revert to being strange as it began, so give glad tidings to the strangers.”
-The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ (Muslim)

Ramadan is mostly fasting, praying, reading Quran, making dhikr and, nowadays, surfing the web. We do not only have to check facts and details concerning the fast or browse some ayat; we intuitively search for material that vitalizes and boosts our iman. And that's really good!
Somehow my computer refused to play the BBC Learning Zone clips that I wanted to watch and when I started to get frustrated and began clicking around, I discovered a really nice BBC 3 documentary, Emily Hughes' "Make me a Muslim". I typed the title in the youtube-searchbox and detected the documentary split up in four episodes. 

I was especially moved by Saffiyahs story, as she's about the same age as I am.

In my opinion the documentary is a good reminder to all of us that "becoming muslim" does not mean becoming a serious, perfectly synchronized, niqab-wearing - not that it's a bad thing - mu'min. It means only a start, a beginning. It means growing as a human being, growing in who we can be: respectful, awake, conscious adults. Avoiding the extremes, understanding Islams's organic nature, striving for the "happy medium".
Although some material is rather bizarre - keyword "co-wife" - the documentary offers a somehow realistic picture of what it is like for today's female converts. Yep, this is rather girls' stuff ;)

Friday, 12 July 2013

Der Islam für Kinder und Erwachsene

Der Ramadan hat angefangen und neben Quran lesen möchte ich herauszufinden was noch so an islamischen Büchern auf dem Markt zu finden ist. Also begebe ich mich in eine große Filiale der Meyerschen und steuere dort die zweite Etage an - "Geisteswissenschaften". Dort laufe ich schnurstracks zu den "Religionen". Seit dem ich nach Finnland gezogen bin hat sich nicht viel geändert was die islamische Abteilung angeht. Die Quranübersetzung von Muhammad Asad ist ausverkauft (gut so; ich bin sowieso ein bisschen pleite...) und irgendwie scheinen Zen-Buddhismus und Hinduismus sich immer weiter auszubreiten. Hier steht ein CD-Regal mit buddhistischen Mönchsgesängen/Mantras, dort eines mit Meditationsmusik. Nirgends ist auch nur eine einzige CD mit Quran-Rezitation zu finden, schon merkwürdig. Allerdings trifft dies auch auf jüdische und christliche Audiomedien zu. Vielleicht sind südostasiatische Klänge zur Zeit einfach etwas angesagter! 

Trotzdem sichte ich ein neues Buch: "Der Islam für Kinder und Erwachsene" von Lamya Kaddor und Rabeya Müller. Geschnappt, durchgeblättert, gekauft (da kann man noch so pleite sein!). Bereuen tue ich es nicht. 

Warum das Buch gut ist:

  • Super Autoren! Lamya Kaddor z.B. ist Islamwisschenschaftlerin und erste Vorsitzende des Liberal-Islamischen Bundes und wurde mit dem "European Muslim Woman of Influence Award" ausgezeichnet.
  • Ausführlich und Themendeckend. Grundlagen und "erweiterte Themen" werden gut verständlich und ausfühlich genug erläutert. Um brisante Themen wird kein Bogen gemacht (Fundamentalismus, Homosexualität, Rechte der Frauen).
  • Aussagen werden reichlich durch entsprechende Verse/Suren des Qurans belegt. 
  • Gesamteindruck liberal und menschenfreundlich. Trotzdem werden verschiedene existierende Auslegungen stets respektiert und erläutert.
  • Angenehm zu lesen und frische Ästhetik. Kinder-/Jugendfreundlich gestaltet mit ausgezeichneten Illustrationen von Alexandra Klobouk! Meines Erachtens ist das Buch gut gebunden. 
  • Im Unterschied zu üblicher Lektüre (Ilmihal usw.) bemerkenswert wenige Schreibfehler und gutes Deutsch, da nicht aus dem Arabischen übersetzt o. Ä. 
  • Kostet 19,95 €, ist aber JEDEN Cent wert, glaubt's mir!
  • Das Buch "Koran für Kinder und Erwachsene" (3. Auflage 2010) will ich mir als Nächstes anschaffen!


  • Eher kein Buch für "Kinder" im eigentlichen Sinne, ich würde sagen für Kinder ab 10 J. Ich hatte nicht den Eindruck ein Kinderbuch zu lesen...

Ich versuche noch öfter im Ramadan zu posten, also bleibt gefasst ;) Liebe Salams und noch einen gesegneten Ramadan!

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Prepare a yummy Sahur!

Nothing beats a good, easy-to-prepare breakfast! Here's how to make a delicious-ambitious-nutritious-Sahur. I usually prefere organic products because in my opinion a meal should be not just yummy but you should feel good about it's ingredients! And that's surely very islamic ;)

All you need is:

  • Organic Plain Yogurt (low fat or full-fat Greek yogurt)
  • Organic Muesli (crunchy, sweet, uncooked, with cereals, everything's ok!)
  • 1 handful of Hazelnuts
  • 1 tablespoon Sunseeds
  • 2 tablespoons of Goji berries (wolfberries)
  • 1 tablespoon Linseeds
  • Strawberries (washed and sliced) 

I added a teaspoon of dried-berries-powder, a special delicacy that I bought in Finland, which simply makes it more colourful :)

Make it as BIG as you want! 
Put the ingredients in a bowl and enjoy!

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

♥ Welcome Ramadan ♥

Ramadan has begun and even though I managed to catch a cold a few days ago and therefore need to get well before starting to fast I am still very excited! Besides fasting and it's huge ability to boost our spirituality, there are plenty of moments and chances for everyone of us to purify and strengthen their iman in this holy month! So let's see what my "good-intensions-compilation" looks like...

Mission: Make the most out of Ramadan
(InshaAllah - إن شاء الله)

1. Try to respect basic deeds such as:
  •   performing Salat (prayer)  
  •   making Du'a (personal act of worship, prayer, call upon God)
  •   trying to be kind and nice to people (try smiling once in a while!)
  •   making 1 charitable act a day (try to figure out more creative ways to help than to donate money - especially if you do not have any!)

2. Do some extra for the sake of Ramadan:
  • wake up during Fajr to eat the pre-dawn meal (Sahur, if you are fasting) and stay up to read a portion of the Qur'an before and after Fajr.
  • visit your local mosque or community regularly (and experience Iftar, breaking fast together).
  • do some meditation in the evening, such as tasbih, listening to Quran, painting, reading, playing music or any other way of Dhikr (remembrance of God).
  • Take care of your body. Drink a lot of water during the nights of Ramadan! Fasting is effective when you avoid overeating at iftar but eat enough and nutricious food in the morning to manage the days duties and stay healthy. If you are not fasting, try to purify your body by alternative methods, f.e. eating more healthy, doing sports etc.
  • Try to focus on "inner beauty" and the "detox of everyday-life". Spend quality time with family and friends instead of watching TV on your own. Walk or bike instead of taking the tram or traveling by car. Write a post on The Forenoon instead of scrolling infinitively on Facebook!
  • Slow down :)

For more tips on how to have a spiritual and successful Ramadan, check out the links below!

Productivity? Go to ...
Spirituality? Go to or
Preparing for Ramadan? Go to
How to make the most out of Ramadan? Go to
Free Printable Ramadan Calendar with Prayertimes (Germany)? Go to
Simple Printable Ramadan Calendar without Prayertimes? Go to
Ramadan in the USA? Go to 
Ramadan begins around the world. See pictures
You like photographing and need a special challenge? Go to

I wish everyone a blessed and successful Ramadan! May Allah give us strength and peace to make it a holy month! Salams and Greetings from Cologne Germany ♥

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

I have a home.

Today is a special day. It is the day I realized I finally have a home. In Helsinki.

Helsinki is the capital of Finland with alltogether 1.3 million people living in its area. It is the world's northernmost metro area of over one million people, and the city is the northernmost capital of an EU member state. In 2011, the Monocle Magazine ranked Helsinki the most liveable city in the world. It was chosen to be the World Design Capital 2012. There are over 130 nationalities represented in Helsinki. And there are about 9 mosques in the urban areas, staying near the Eastern Centre, Itäkeskus, I will be living next to one. But most importantly, the Arts University is located in Helsinki and I will be studying there! I think I will fit in this city :)

The realization of the fact that I've finally got a "real home" has made me think of those of us, who do not have a home at all. And of those, who have a home but do not feel comfortable or secure at home. It is important to value and thank for everything we have, even for the most basic things - things we take for granted. This day made me happy and truly thankful.

الحمد لله ربّ العالمين
AlhamduLillahi Rabbi 'Alameen
All the praises and thanks be to Allâh, the Lord of all that exists

(Read an interesting article about muslim duties towards homeless: Homelessness-and-Muslims)

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