Friday, 18 April 2014

10 Weeks to Ramadan - Salat/Prayer

I want to feel good and happy.
When I am feeling good and happy I can make other people feel the same way, and that is the basis of all teaching on the good deeds in the Holy Qur'an.
In order to feel happy and balanced we have to be in balance in our faith and be connected to Allah. Allah (swt) is the main source of love and mercy: "Say: O My slaves (humankind) who have been prodigal to their own hurt! Despair not of the mercy of Allah Who forgives all sins. Lo! He is the Forgiving, the Merciful" (Az-Zumar 39:53)


I am sure 99% of Muslims have faced the same problem at least once in their life time. Most of those 99% have probably faced it twice or more times in their life. The majority of those, who are facing it more often in their life are keeping it for themselves: the problemacy of NOT performing Salat accordingly/on time/at all. 
I don't think that the fact that I don't allways keep up with my prayers and sometimes loose them completely in my life makes me a bad Muslim. I don't think that anyone but Allah can or should judge me. 
The majority of what is found on the internet and most of the islamic literature on the topic of not performing salat is a neverending catalog of threat and intimidation. Illogically it is assumed to have a good and enlightening effect on the person, opening up the dibelievers eyes. Looking at the citations utilized to emphasize the terrible consequences and punishments following the disobedience of not praying, it is clear that almost all of them are hadiths and reports from islamic scolars, whereas no authentic excerpts of the Qur'an are listed.
Although I respect and honour the hadiths, I know that sometimes there is no use of threatening a troubled Muslim in this highly intimate matter. It will cause more damage and irritation than salvation.
What a non-praying Muslim needs is nothing but the reassurance that the Salat will bring happiness and joy in their life. That waking up in the early morning will bring ease and success. And Allah reminds us of that every morning in the Adhan: "Hayya 'ala-s-Salah! (Hurry to the prayer!) Hayya 'ala-l-Falah! (Hurry to salvation!) Allahu Akbar! (God is great!) La Ilaha Illallah! (There is no god except the One God!) As-salatu Khayrun Minan-nawm (Prayer is better than sleep).

I found a lot of help through great websites and you may enter them through the topics listed below!
How to Pray five times a day: read here!
Fight the madness of life with the calmness of Salat (Animation): watch here!
6 Steps to achieve a quality Salat: read here!
How to stop making excuses for missing Salat: read here!
How do we get closer to Allah/ Relashionship with the Divine: read more!

Salams and keep up with your prayers and please make du'a that I will keep up with mine too!
Jazakallah khair :)

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

10 Weeks to Ramadan

In my previous post Eleven Weeks #thepastyear I looked back at the past 8 months and discovered that many things had changed in my life during that period of time. In 10 Weeks from now we will welcome Ramadan (inshallah) and we will feel closer to Allah and strive to be better Muslims. It is reported by Sahih Bukhari that the Prophet said that “When the month of Ramadan begins, the gates of the heaven are opened and the gates of hellfire are closed, and the devils are chained.”. Therefore it comes as no surprise that most of the websites such as ramadanprep, ramadanchallenge etc. have not been active since the last Ramadan. It seems that the uplifting spirit of the last weeks of Ramadan and the final celebration of Eid carries us over a long distance in time, but when life has settled back to "normal" again, we forget about the lessons learned in this blessed month. 
By observing my own behaviour I can see certain patterns repeating themselves. My iman seems to strenghthen in good times, whereas it weakens mostly when I feel discouraged or lonely. But every time I remember Allah and do dhikr it makes me feel good, fresh and calm again. The importance of Ramadan lies in the amount of fruits that we collect throughout the month. But because a month is a very short time to actually develop new good habits and to get rid of old bad ones it is good to start the fight a little bit earlier :)
This time I want to be better prepared for the month of Ramadan. I don't like the feeling that you get 2 weeks before: You have maybe not read Qur'an, not fasted the days you missed last time, not made enough dhikr, or worse, not thought of the blessings of the holy month and prayed to experience them another time. Maybe it has not even crossed your mind that you might never experience another Ramadan. Yes, unfortunally we tend to take everything for granted.
In the next 10 weeks I want to update my deeds and I wish others get inspired by that aswell! 
I will write about basic deeds such as salat, dhikr, reading Qur'an, personal dawa and jihad and will write about how I am dealing with my 10 weeks to Ramadan-Challenge. If something will change (inshallah), what will change? 
Additionally I will post some helpful information about the islamic world today and answer FAQ about the Islam from my own viewpoint (whoever will be interested :D)!

"Ramadan is the month during which the Qur'an was revealed, providing guidance for the people, clear teachings, and the statute book. Those of you who witness this month shall fast therein. Those who are ill or traveling may substitute the same number of other days. God wishes for you convenience, not hardship, that you may fulfill your obligations, and to glorify God for guiding you, and to express your appreciation." (2:185)

So adios amigos, keep up with the good, jazakallah khair Brothers and Sisters!!

“Without doubt, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction.” - See more at:
“Without doubt, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction.” - See more at: to more and more great webpages such as, etc. have opened up the subject in a way, that does not blame or brandmark anyone.

Sunday, 13 April 2014

The Tawaf of Mind

"And We made the House a place of return for the people and a place of security. And take, [O believers], from the standing place of Abraham a place of prayer." (2:125)

Dear Brothers and Sisters, please make Du'a for me so that I will perform Umrah or Hajj soon!I have watched this mekkanian live TV quite often and it is allways an uplifting experience. Not only that I was moved to tears when the camera showed a very, very old and very tiny man in his white ihram (gawn used during Hajj) and a white beard performing his Salat from a wheelchair with such solemnity that he almost streched to his knees when making sujood. Seeing all kinds of people standing next to each other in prayer, focusing on Allah, making Du'a for their loved ones (or yawning and scratching their ears or other bodyparts!) is moving. I can recommend following Friday Isha prayers, just be sure to drop by at the saudi arabian time for Isha ;) But of course all prayers are fascinating! 

Enjoy and Salams!

Friday, 11 April 2014

Until you see raindrops issue from their midst

"It is God Who sends the winds, and they raise the clouds: then does He spread them in the sky as He wills, and break them into fragments, until you see raindrops issue from the midst thereof: then when He has made them reach such of his servants as He wills, behold, they do rejoice!"
(Surat ar-Room, 48)

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Eleven Weeks #thepastyear

It is weird to start writing a blogpost and naming it "Eleven Weeks", randomly, after almost a year of inactivity on the posting-frontier. Still, this headline is the starting point to my post. Ramadan 2014 begins in more or less 11 weeks and it is time for me to look back and evaluate what has happened since August 2013. What has happened, changed, turned better or worse?
Looking back at that time the first thought that comes to my mind is that everything and no less has changed.


I will begin with the most obvious experience. I started my first year in University, studying what I have been dreaming of as long as I remember: art. Such a small word by the way; art. Ironically this seems to be excactly what I dicovered during the past year. Just the plain subject or term "art" does not really guarantee anything. And still it creeps into your consciousness, while working, making research, painting. And what used to come out naturally, almost effortlessly doesn't even consider to make it's way out, intimidated by the huge expectations it has to face. With other words, the real challenge of my studies until now has been to try to focus on what is relevant for me personally and to exclude and ignore any own/foreign expectations towards my artistic work. And to put it even simpler: It was a hell of a struggle. (For my German speaking readers: ein-fremdwoerterbuch: Competition 50)


The second thing that changed was that i moved to another city. Although most of the time I have been thankful of having that refuge (click here for previous post about home/lessness) it has been very interesting from time to time. Not that I thought it would be easy! But the problems that I soon had to face weren't quite the ones I had imagined for myself. The Top 3 are possibly:

  1. Living in a shared flat with a vietnamese girl, many chinese girls and an invisible finnish girl in a chaotic mix of bunches of black hair floating on the floor, a cable-anarchy of a wide variety of ricecookers in the kitchen, spilled sweet chili sauce on the table/stove/floor/sink/cardboard/microwave, warmcoloured kitchen lightbulbs (or lightbubbles) being steadily replaced by very effective blue ones and finally a very comfortable temperature of 30 °C companioned by a humidity of 75% and a flavour of fried bacon in the air (for a Muslim this represents Hell. Or djahannam
  2. Despite everything described above - the feeling of loneliness; that lures somewhere hidden most of the time and hits when you expect it the least. Nothing makes you feel more isolated than the spontanous experience of loneliness. When your best friends are visiting their relatives in other cities or countries and you're staying in town over the weekend. Or you're calling home and nobody answers because everyone's gone out and calling a mobilephone is just too expensive. Or you don't really know your local umma and you miss your hometowns mosque.
  3. Cold winters + weird/missing public transportation. You would like to go out, visit the city, meet your friend after school, have long walks on the seashore, make it to an appointment on time etc. but you won't



The biggest change, and that is a change that I welcomed sincerely and fullheartedly, accepting it's short- and longterm consecuences with pleasure, that was finding love. Too corny for you? I don't care! Fact is that I thank Allah every day for answering my prayers and introducing me to a person that I wish to spend the rest of my life with. A person that I love and that loves me. Alhamdulillahi rabbi l'alamiin. May Allah bless our bond.

 “And of His signs is that He created for you partners from amongst yourselves, that you may find tranquility in them and He has placed between you affection and mercy.” (30.21)



Now I have arrived at the most important subject. Faith. Islam. I think everything that I have described above is somehow having an effect on my faith. Challenges of life are allways mirrored in our faith, our craving for a meaning in life, our desires.

I think this year has showed me the mercy and love that Allah has for us humans and made me, at least for a while, humble in front of all those blessings. It has strenghtened my iman and made me understand what Islam means. 

I know that there is a lot, and by that I mean a lot, that I could have done better. Starting from fard deeds to sunnah ones. The biggest problem I still see in myself is the lack of discipline and capability to prioritize. On the other hand I have learned many things. Starting from (re)acting in a new environment, facing new situations and obstacles with confidence and trying to be faithful to myself and my beliefs. But alhamdulillah that we have Ramadan coming up so we can prep and struggle for our faith and find motivate ourselves for a better life! And I am so much up to the 11 weeks to Ramadan challenge! But that is the subject of my next post ;)

May Allah accept our good deeds and forgive us our transgressions and sins, Amin.

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